6 Nights/7d

Alamain Vacation

The new Egyptian city of Alamain will make you feel like you're in Dubai, get a breeze of the beautiful mediterranean sea and great nightlifte and sporty atmosphere of Alamain



• Sea view

• No hidden fees or extra charges

• Free Wi-Fi in the bus

• Breakfast included

• Music band at night

This place is an absolute dream, packed with more wonders than you can imagine. Just picture the sun glinting off the gleaming skyscrapers, the sweet smell of street food wafting through the air, the hustle and bustle of locals and tourists exploring endlessly vibrant streets. Every corner unveils a new surprise - quirky cafes, hidden gardens, street performers that will make you stop in your tracks. And that's just scratching the surface! This city comes alive at night with glittering lights, live music, and an energy you can feel pulsing in the warm evening air.